Revisiting the theory of derivation and its criticism of the limits of social State
a timely reflection for our days
Teoria da derivação, Estado social, Teoria do Estado, Crítica marxista, Estado classista.Abstract
The article revisits the theory of State derivation, a Marxist stream that emerged in Germany in the 1970s and which made a great contribution to a Marxist critique of the welfare state. This theory criticizes the traditional view of the State, seen as a public, impersonal instance, separated from the dynamics and conflicts of social life and focused on serving the general interests of society. Hence the view that the resolution of conflicts and contradictions in capitalist society must occur, according to liberal political-legal thought, through a political instance separate from society, in which the mediation of conflicting interests will occur through the adoption of measures of public interest. The derivation theory reveals the problems and contradictions of this conception. Accordingly to this theory, the State is a contradictory social relationship, which can only be explained considering the basic contradictions of capitalist sociability. The contours of the State and its activity must be examined in the context of capitalist society as a whole, as a result of historical development, and dynamic and contradictory social structures. The contributions of derivation theory can bring new light to an examination of the current Latin American and Brazilian context, signed by the return of the left to power. Derivation theory presents a critical reflection on the limits of State interventions in the social and economic field when aimed at implementing emancipatory projects and setting up more just and egalitarian societies.
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