Challenges for Brazil in science, technology and innovation (ST&I) in the context of the hegemonic transition between the USA and China in the international system
Science, technology and innovation., Uneven development, National project.Abstract
Science, technology and innovation (ST&I) is a crucial sector for the economic develo- pment of nations, given its centrality for generating wealth and its unavoidable geopo- litical relevance. The primary challenges faced by Brazil since the 1990s in this field are analyzed in the light of three crucial dimensions of international political economy: productive, scientific-technological and the one concerning innovation. Based on the Rae and Taylor, and Laakso and Taagepera indices, we created a concentration/dis- persion index to monitor the performance of the main countries in the international system in each of these three dimensions, also considering the variation in the num- ber and composition of “relevant powers” on the global scene. The results indicate that a reconfiguration of international power relations is underway, given the rise of countries which occupied peripheral or semi-peripheral positions in the past century. South Korea, India and above all China have managed to break, albeit partially, the relative power monopoly of the powers worldwide by promoting their industrial, tech- nological and innovative activities through a number of policies able to expand their political and economic capacities and to elevate them to a prominent position compa- red to other developing countries. The article also examines the steps taken by Brazil after the election of president Lula in order to follow the same path.