une 2013 against the grain

Controversies and insurgencies of a non-shallow Brazil





une 2013, History against the grain, Newest social movements, Controversies, Complexity.


The article aims to observe the June 2013 protests from the perspective of “brushing history against the grain”, as suggested by Walter Benjamin. In this sense, the idea is to analyze those events, ten years later, not from a distant and neutral standpoint, but from a more complex perspective, considering the controversies surrounding the events from that time until nowadays, in all their diverse and wide-ranging as- pects, without limiting to a single interpretation of social action. Throughout the article, different perspectives on that historical moment are presented with the aim of avoiding the reductionism of necessarily pessimistic or optimistic analyses. The- refore, analyzing June 2013 against the grain is an important starting point for a subsequent work that will focus on creating a map of controversies of June and pos- t-June 2013 in Brazil, thus highlighting the complexity of the events.


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Author Biography

Lucca Amaral Tori, Universidade de São Paulo - USP

Doutorando em Ciência Política pela Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas da Universidade de São Paulo (FFLCH-USP) e bolsista Capes. Mestre pelo programa “Humanidades, Direitos e Outras Legitimidades”, do Centro Diversitas (FFLCH-USP). Bacharel em Ciências e Humanidades e em Políticas Públicas pela Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC). E-mail: lucca.tori@usp.br



How to Cite

Tori, L. A. (2023). une 2013 against the grain: Controversies and insurgencies of a non-shallow Brazil. Princípios, 42(167), 85–103. https://doi.org/10.4322/principios.2675-6609.2023.167.005