A Cultura privatizada





Cultural policy, Itaú Cultural, Social action of entrepreneurs, Social responsibility, Double movement


This article is the result of a study on the social actions of entrepreneurs through the so-called corporate social accountability. As a theoretical framework we use Karl Polanyi and his double movement argument. The general objective was to understand the socially responsible action of the business sector in Brazil. And as a specific objective we tried to understand how the private sector develops its actions in the field of social policies. Thus, as a specific object of analysis we have the actions of Itaú Cultural Institute, an institution linked to Itaú Bank, at the time of this research the largest private bank in the country. Our research method is based upon interviews with corporative rulers of Itau Cultural, as well as upon documents available in Itaú Cultural and Ministry of Culture websites. As a result, we emphasize that cultural policy in Brazil, from its planning to its execution, has a private character, of privatization of cultural policies, despite having public resources for its full execution.


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Author Biography

SARA FREITAS, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS

Doutora em Sociologia pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp). Pós-doutora pelo Institute of Education da University College London (Inglaterra) e em Ciência Política pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). 



How to Cite

FREITAS, S. (2022). A Cultura privatizada. Princípios, 41(165), 243–267. https://doi.org/10.4322/principios.2675-6609.2022.165.013