The National development and agribusiness in Brazil post-2003

A geoeconomic reading of the soybean production chain

Keywords: National geoeconomics, Modern agriculture, Soybean production chain


The aim of this text is to present the geoeconomic performance of the soybean production chain in the post-2003 period, having as a general hypothesis that its productive and exporting dynamism is directly associated not only with external factors, but also with the combination of several internal factors. To achieve this purpose, the notion of production chain was used. It was noted that in the post-2003 period, there was a movement of oscillation in the Brazilian agribusiness GDP and its gross production value. These unequal movements are associated with the rise in the prices of some products, the expansion of the planted area, the increase in productivity, scale gains, exchange rates, among other factors. Finally, it was found that the increased participation of the soybean production chain in the international market, especially in the Chinese market, is conditioned by its population growth, the increase in urbanization rates and changes in eating habits.

Author Biographies

Carlos José Espíndola, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - UFSC

Geógrafo graduado pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC). Mestre e doutor em Geografia pela Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Professor titular do Departamento de Geociências da UFSC. Pesquisador bolsista do CNPq.

Roberto César Costa Cunha, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - UFSC

Geógrafo graduado pela Universidade Federal do Maranhão (UFMA). Mestre e doutor em Geografia pela UFSC. Pesquisador em nível de pós-doutoramento do Departamento de Geociências da UFSC. Bolsista PDJ do CNPq.

How to Cite
Espíndola, C. J., & Cunha, R. C. C. (2022). The National development and agribusiness in Brazil post-2003: A geoeconomic reading of the soybean production chain. Princípios, 41(164), 310 - 331.