Farrapos War, the longest republican revolt faced by the Empire of Brazil

Keywords: Farrapos War, Farroupilha Revolution, Rio-Grandense Republic, History of the province of Rio Grande do Sul


This article have as a major aim to identify the social, economic and political roots of the Farroupilha Revolution — which for more than nine years faced the almighty Empire of Brazil —, its relationship with the other revolts occurred in that period, including the early years of the reign of Pedro II, its republican and federative traits, the meaning of its “separatism”, the participation of blacks, indians and poor white people, the limits of its “abolitionism”, the carnage of the Black Lancers on the eve of peace treatise and the so-called Peace of Ponche Verde. In this study, we use the method of historical and dialectical materialism.

Author Biography

Raul Kroeff Machado Carrion, Fundação Maurício Grabois - FMG

Graduado em História pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), especialista em História Afro-Asiática pelas Faculdades PortoAlegrenses (Fapa). Presidente da Fundação Maurício Grabois no Rio Grande do Sul. Autor de diversos livros e artigos especializados. Publicou em 2003 Os Lanceiros Negros na Revolução Farroupilha, e em 2005 Revolução Farroupilha: a mais longa revolta republicana enfrentada pelo Império centralizador e escravocrata.

How to Cite
Carrion, R. K. M. (2022). Farrapos War, the longest republican revolt faced by the Empire of Brazil. Princípios, 41(164), 171 - 200. https://doi.org/10.4322/principios.2675-6609.2022.164.008