A independência incompleta e a construção da nação brasileira
Revolução brasileira, Construção da nação brasileira, Independência, Revolução de 30, Reformas de baseAbstract
This article aims to analyze the process of Brazilian nation’s building. It was the Inconfidência Mineira that lay out the foundations of this idea for the first time. The independence managed to maintain territorial integrity, but it was born under the sign of the international division of labor with English hegemony. It was facing this adverse reality that the Brazilian nation was set up. Abolition, followed by the Republic, by changing production relations and class hegemony in power, promoted the development of capitalism, but reinforced dependency. The 1930’s Revolution built the Brazilian national state, in addition to being the moment when the great progress was made in the construction of the country’s economic independence, by consolidating industrialization and conquering one of the most advanced labor legislation at the time. The 1964 dictatorship blocked the construction of economic independence that began in 1930, by replacing the mechanisms of dependence on new bases, from whose contradictions a structural crisis arises that lasts until today. These various moments of rupture are the way in which the Brazilian revolution has built the nation. Instead of focusing on a specific moment in time, as happened with the “classical” bourgeois revolutions, it goes through a long way with several moments of rupture. If it had not been stopped by the 1964 coup, the implementation of the basis reforms, led by João Goulart, would have completed national construction, which is a undeniable stage of the Brazilian revolution towards socialism.