A suspicious and modern poet

interpretation of Brazil in the first works of Carlos Drummod de Andrade





modernism, brazilian poetry, Carlos Drummnd de Andrade, Nacional identity


This article presents a reading of Carlos Drummond de Andrade’s first books of poems, considering them as an early overcoming of the main contradictions of the first moment of Brazilian modernism, with special focus on the expression of a national identity through the rescue of an unofficial Brazilianness as intended by the early modernists. The main hypothesis of the article is that the poetics of young Drummond are formally configured to highlight the limits of the modernist project by constituting itself above all as a poetry of distrust to modernist nationalism and by problematizing Brazilian life.


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Author Biography

Alexandre Pilati, Universidade de Brasília - UnB

Professor de Literatura Brasileira da Universidade de Brasília (UnB). Mestre e doutor em Literatura pela UnB com pós-doutorado pela Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). Foi professor visitante da Università degli Studi di Perugia, Itália. Autor, entre outros livros, de A nação drummondiana e Poesia na sala de aula.



How to Cite

Pilati, A. (2022). A suspicious and modern poet: interpretation of Brazil in the first works of Carlos Drummod de Andrade. Princípios, 41(163), 187–207. https://doi.org/10.4322/principios.2675-6609.2022.163.008