A fundação do Partido Comunista do Brasil





Communist Party of Brazil, Marxism, Working class


The main objective of this study is to reconstitute the formation process of the Communist Party of Brazil — from the beginnings of the Brazilian labor movement to its first years of life — identifying the causes that led to its emergence and the reasons that made it viable to this day, despite countless attempts (external and internal) to liquidate it. The main working hypothesis is that the emergence of the Communist Party of Brazil was not something artificial, the result of the “will” of some individuals or “an idea brought from outside”, “creation of the Communist International”, but it reflected an objective need arising from the social evolution of Brazil — that in 1922 was at a time of ruptures — and the development of its working class. In Marx's view, it corresponded to the transformation of the proletariat from “a class itself” to “a class for itself”. The method of analysis used was historical and dialectical materialism. The conclusion that emerges from this study is that the continuity of the Communist Party of Brazil — despite all the persecutions suffered — expresses the objective existence of political space for a project of radical and revolutionary transformation of Brazilian capitalist society distinct from the reformist projects of the bourgeoisie and of the petty bourgeoisie.


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Author Biography

Raul Kroeff Machado Carrion, Fundação Maurício Grabois - FMG

Graduado em História pela Universidade Federal do RS (UFRGS), tem Especialização em História Afro-Asiática pelas Faculdades Porto-Alegrenses (FAPA). Atualmente é Presidente da Fundação Maurício Grabois no RS. Militante do PC do Brasil há 52 anos, foi vereador de Porto Alegre em três legislaturas e deputado estadual do RS em duas legislaturas, pelo PCdoB. Presidiu o PCdoB em Porto Alegre e no RS. É autor, co-autor ou organizador de diversos livros e publicações.



How to Cite

Carrion, R. K. M. (2022). A fundação do Partido Comunista do Brasil. Princípios, 41(163), 9–62. https://doi.org/10.4322/principios.2675-6609.2022.163.002