Nationalism, third-worldism and political violence

John William Cooke and the rising of revolutionary Peronism

Keywords: John William Cooke, Peronism, Third world, Revolutionary violence, Frantz Fanon



This article aims to analyze the work of John William Cooke, an Argentine politician and thinker, and one of the main references of left Peronism. This work will focus on the following issues addressed by Cooke: popular revolutionary nationalism, ideology and the third-world movement, the formation of revolutionary Peronism and the praxis of political violence. For that, a direct reading of Cooke's texts will be made and compare his positions with those of other thinkers and politicians who expressed the struggles for national liberation in the Third World, especially Frantz Fanon. We conclude that Cooke's revolutionary nationalist position formed a rupture within Peronism by placing national socialism at the center of the Peronist program, in addition to representing in Argentine social formation the main anti-colonial movement linked to the struggles of the so-called Third World.

Author Biography

Luiz Eduardo Motta, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Doutor em Sociologia pelo Instituto Universitário de Pesquisas do Rio de Janeiro (Iuperj). Professor associado de Ciência Política da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Autor do livro A Favor de Althusser. Colaborador das revistas Princípios e Crítica Marxista, entre outras. E-mail:

How to Cite
Motta, L. E. (2021). Nationalism, third-worldism and political violence: John William Cooke and the rising of revolutionary Peronism. Princípios, 40(162), 203 - 232.