Roland Corbisier

National developmentalism and Hegelian-Marxism at Iseb

Keywords: Roland Corbisier, National developmentalism, National philosophy, Marxism, Hegelianism


The article recovers the political trajectory and theoretical formulations of the philosopher Roland Corbisier (1914-2005) from his initiation into integralism in São Paulo, through his studies of philosophical existentialism, until his adhesion to the “Grupo de Itatiaia” that would later give origin of the ISEB (1955-1964). As executive director of the Institute, special emphasis is given to the philosophical path that led his thinking of national developmentalism as opposition to the "colonial statute", moving through formulations about a national philosophy and reaching the philosophy of praxis, Marxism, as the main vector of the anticolonial struggle and national independence. The contradictions of that period led to the 1964 coup that closed the ISEB, eliminated the Basic Reforms and revoked his mandate as federal deputy. In the course of the 70s and 80s, he made unique contributions to dialectical thought, specifically in the development of logical conjunctions between Hegelianism and Marxism, as well as polemics with academic intellectuals about nationalism. We conclude our presentation by joining the PCdoB in the 1990s as a synthesis of its political convictions in socialism, in the development of the country and in the national-popular culture. His intellectual biography and political praxis constitute a paradigmatic synopsis of the transitions that took place in Brazil and in the world during the twentieth century.

Author Biography

Cristiano Capovilla, Universidade Federal do Maranhão

Doutorando em Filosofia pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Uerj). Professor de Filosofia no Colégio Universitário da Universidade Federal do Maranhão (UFMA) e diretor da Fundação Maurício Grabois (Maranhão). E-mail:

How to Cite
Capovilla, C. (2021). Roland Corbisier : National developmentalism and Hegelian-Marxism at Iseb. Princípios, 40(162), 75 - 96.