Amid soft and hard coups
a critical analysis of the book Hybrid Wars, by Andrew Korybko
Hybrid warfare, Colour revolution, Unconventional warfare, Andrew KorybkoAbstract
The aim of this essay is to present a critical analysis of Andrew Korybko's approach on “hybrid warfare”. Initially we will introduce the concept as established by Korybko in his book entitled Hybrid wars: the indirect adaptive approach to regime change. Other concepts he used will be analyzed and articulated, such as indirect approach (Liddel Hart), fourth generation warfare (William Lind), five rings (John Warden), OODA loop (John Boyd and Robert Greene) and chaos theory (Steve Mann), among others. The article will present Korybko’s view, whereby hybrid warfare is composed by two distinct tactics, colour revolution/soft coup and unconventional warfare/hard coup, being a geopolitical strategy currently used by the government of the United States of America to destabilize governments not aligned with American interests. Finally, we will present a critical analysis of Korybko's approach to the theme and concepts.